Custom Talent HR Solutions, LLC.
For Growing Your Business
Vision and Mission
Custom Talent HR Solutions is a client-focused company with a laser like resolve to deliver custom solutions. We maximize leaders’ and their companies’ potential through creative and innovative talent and human resources interventions to produce stronger performance and improve productivity. We offer virtual and in-person consulting.
We work with leaders of companies who are poised for growth as well as companies who are struggling to maintain profitability/sustainability in these turbulent times. We are adept at providing solutions to address talent development and human resources challenges across multiple industries, for example, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, churches and other not for profit organizations, IT, legal, and logistics.
Custom Solutions for a diverse array of businesses
Creative People Solutions for Growing Your Business
Henry Ford Paid a Bill for Knowing Where to Tinker
Auto maker Henry Ford asked electrical genius Charlie Steinmetz to build the generators for his factory. One day the generators ground to a halt, and the repairmen couldn’t find the problem. So Ford called Steinmetz, who tinkered with the machines for a few hours and then threw the switch. The generators whirred to life-but Ford got a bill for $10,000 from Steinmetz. Flabbergasted, the rather tightfisted car maker inquired why the bill was so big? Steinmetz’s reply:” For tinkering with the generators, $10. For knowing where to tinker, $9,990.” (Ford paid the bill). – Source: Urban Legend
Custom Talent HR Solutions specializes in knowing where to tinker. During times when leaders and their companies may be forced to start over, reconstruct their strategy or shift priorities and goals, we are your partner to design and execute practical talent solutions to expand your business and motivate your talent to maximize their potential. We create custom solutions through individualized coaching that increase the probability of success and expansion. Our work can be done virtually and in-person.
Designing Custom Solutions to maximize Business Strategy
Ongoing success means maximizing your team’s potential. We design creative solutions!
Executive Coaching
Leading others is important early on, though to advance, leading strategy through others is key to a leader progressing up the career ladder.
Succession Management
What would happen to your company if you could not be there tomorrow? What’s the plan?
Executive Team Alignment
If top leaders are in disarray, what impact will there be on the rest of the team?
Change Leadership
Meaningful positive change rarely just happens. It is ledfrom the onset!
Performance Management
Elevating your company’s priorities through performance management is a best kept secret!
Leadership Development
Effective leaders create business success. Without leadership, mediocrity prevails!
Turning around underperforming leaders and teams
Don’t write off your “bottom” performers just yet. Let us help you get to the bottom of it.
Employee Engagement
We specialize in action post employee engagement survey – that’s where the real action is.
Conflict Management
Are workplace conflicts holding the team back? Mediate them to move the team forward.
Team Building
Effective teams are the cornerstone of your business running smoothly. Strengthen the bond.